
Rental Apartment Efficiency Program

More than 80% of BC’s rental apartment buildings are older than 35 years and may not be as energy efficient as they could be. With a few simple changes to your building, you could save up to 27% of your natural gas usage, saving money, energy, and water.

The Rental Apartment Efficiency Program can make these changes for you and help you decrease your building’s energy consumption and improve tenant comfort. Best of all, the program is offered at no-cost to building owners and property managers.

How does it work?

Eligible rental apartment building owners, or property managers acting on behalf of owners, are eligible for the following at no-charge:

  • A water-efficiency shower head and a kitchen and bathroom faucet aerator directly installed in each unit
  • A building energy assessment to identify energy-efficiency improvements and upgrades
  • Ongoing professional assistance to guide you through the process of making larger energy upgrades

What buildings are eligible?

Buildings that:

  • Are a purpose-built rental containing a minimum of nine units
  • Receive natural gas from FortisBC under a commercial rate class
  • Have central natural gas water heating
  • Are not slated for demolition
  • Do not have water-efficient shower heads and aerators previously installed

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